Green Bean Coffeehouse

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Good morning travelers! How’s your motel coffee? Not so glamorous? Let me help you with that… The Green Bean not only has a wonderful selection of good coffee, but it’s comfortable enough to pacify your morning mood. (I’m a grouch in the mornings, let’s be honest! And that Starbucks antiseptic atmosphere just doesn’t appeal to me.) The interior is comfortable, albeit a little crowded because of their darn good food. My personal favorite is to sit out on the porch outside and listen to the birds. You might even get away with wearing your pajamas…

Photo courtesy Green Bean Coffeehouse

Two Locations:
710 State Street, Belle Fourche
304 Main Street, Spearfish

Green Bean Coffeehouse

Follow Allison Syman:

Allison lives in South Dakota. She loves sunlight, tea, the smell of old books, and Shark Week. And her dream is to become a novelist.

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