Spearfish people love their Lookout Mountain and have found practical uses for it, beginning with weather monitor. Snow or fog isn't considered thick until "you can't see Lookout today." How is summer rainfall measuring up? Whether Lookout is green or brown by mid-July offers a hint. Hiking or bicycling is another use. Several years ago the city of Spearfish acquired several acres on Lookout's west side and committed to keeping that area in a natural state with public access. As you drive Interstate 90 near Exit 12, you're at the foot of Lookout, the big rise just across the highway from the town's main section. To get onto Lookout, Exit 12 is your best bet. You can only drive west off the exit. Then turn right onto 10th street after a long block, and a quarter mile later turn right again onto Nevada Street. You'll see the trailhead straight ahead with signage illustrating trail options. An underpass for foot traffic gets you safely to the other side of the Interstate. Views are incredible when you reach Lookout's summit, and pretty fine just part of the way up, too.
Photo by Maggie Schneider